
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 19:16:00


客人回答说:“我所看到的,同上次见到的一样。”乐广就向客人讲明了原因,使他明白杯中的蛇不过是弓的倒影。客人心中的疑团一下子解开了,久治不愈的毛病顷刻间就好了。 。。。

Yue Kwong has a very close friend, with whom he did not play for very long time. One day, he finally came again, Yue Kwong asked him why for a long time did not he come. The guest replied : "last time you invited me for a drink,
I was ordered when i saw there is a snake in my glass. I immediately felt heated when they even for repulsive.
While that time, Yue Kwong saw a bow hanging on the wall, painted with a snake. Yue Kwong guesses that perhaps it was the shadow of this bow. then he place a cup of wine on the original location, asked the guest: "have not seen anything in this wine?
The visitor replied :" I can se